Best JAVA Training in PUNE & Best JAVA Training Institute in MAHARASHTRA

RAHITECH is the biggest JAVA training center in PUNE with high tech infrastructure and lab facilities and the options of opting for multiple courses at PUNE Location.RAHITECH in PUNE prepares thousands of aspirants for JAVA at reasonable fees that is customized keeping in mind training and course content requirement of each attendee. JAVA training course involves "Learning by Doing" using state-of-the-art infrastructure for performing hands-on exercises and real-world simulations.This extensive hands-on experience in JAVA training ensures that you absorb the knowledge and skills that you will need to apply at work after your placement in an MNC.

Java Language Importance

❖ Syntactically Simple
❖ Object Oriented
❖ Platform Independent
❖ Dynamic Memory Management
❖ Compiled / Interpreted approach
❖ Robust
❖ Security
❖ Dynamic Linking
❖ Multi-Threading
❖ Built-in Networking
❖ Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript or any programming language

Java Course syllabus

❖ Programming Languages
❖ Object Oriented Programming
❖ Classes & Objects
❖ Pillars Of Object Oriented Programming
❖ OOPS concepts and terminology
❖Encapsulation & Examples
❖ Abstraction & Examples
❖ Inheritance
❖ Advantages of OOPS

What is Java?

❖ History of Java
❖ Features of Java
❖ What is Java?
❖ Execution Model Of Java
❖ Bytecode
❖ How to Get Java.?
❖ A First Java Program
❖ Compiling and Interpreting Applications
❖ The JDK Directory Structure
❖ Using Eclipse

Data types and Variables

❖ What are data types?
❖ Primitive Datatypes & Declarations
❖ Variables & Types
❖ Numeric & Character Literals
❖ String formatting and Parsing
❖ String Literals
❖ Arrays, Non-Primitive Datatypes
❖ Casting & Type Casting
❖ Widening & Narrowing Conversions
❖ The Dot Operator


❖What are Methods?
❖Method Structure
❖Declaration Of Methods
❖Calling Of Methods
❖Defining Methods
❖Method Parameters Scope
❖Why static methods?

Operators and Expressions

❖ Expressions
❖ Assignment Operator
❖ Arithmetic Operators
❖ Relational Operators
❖ Logical Operators
❖Increment and Decrement Operators
❖ Operate-Assign Operators (+=, etc.)
❖ The Conditional Operator
❖ Operator Precedence
❖ The Cast Operator

Control Statements

❖ Java If-else
❖ Java Switch
❖ Java For Loop
❖ Java While Loop
❖ Java Do While Loop
❖ Java Break
❖ Java Continue
❖ Java Comments
❖ Java Programs

Java Object Class

❖ Java OOPs Concepts
❖ Naming Convention
❖ Object and Class
❖ Constructor
❖ static keyword
❖ this keyword

Java Inheritance

❖ Inheritance(IS-A)
❖ Single Inheritance
❖ Multilevel Inheritance.
❖ Hierarchical Inheritance.
❖ Aggregation(HAS-A)

Java Polymorphism

❖ Method Overloading
❖ Method Overriding
❖ Covariant Return Type
❖ super keyword
❖ Instance Initializer block
❖ final keyword
❖ Runtime Polymorphism
❖ Dynamic Binding
❖ instance Of operator

Java Abstraction

❖ Abstract class
❖ Interface
❖ Abstract vs Interface

Java Encapsulation

❖ Package
❖ Access Modifiers
❖ Encapsulation

Interfaces and Abstract Classes

❖ What is an Interface
❖ Defining Interfaces
❖ Separating Interface and Implementation
❖ Implementing and Extending Interfaces
❖ Abstract Classes


❖ What is a Package?
❖ Advantages of using a Package
❖ Types Of Packages
❖ Naming Convention
❖ Steps For Creating Packages
❖ Defining Packages
❖ Package Scope

Java Array

❖ Java Array

Java String

❖ Immutable String
❖ String Comparison
❖ String Concatenation
❖ Substring
❖ Methods of String class
❖ StringBuffer class
❖ String vs StringBuffer
❖ toString method

Exception Handling

❖ try and catch block
❖ Multiple try & catch block
❖ finally block
❖ throw keyword
❖ Throw vs Throws
❖ Final vs Finally vs Finalize

Java Multithreading

❖ What is Multithreading
❖ Life Cycle of a Thread
❖ Creating Thread
❖ Thread Scheduler
❖ Sleeping a thread
❖ Start a thread twice
❖ Calling run() method

Java Synchronization

❖ Synchronization in java
❖ synchronized block
❖ static synchronization
❖ Deadlock in Java
❖ Inter-thread Comm

Java I/O

❖ Java Input/Output
❖ FileOutputStream
❖ FileInputStream
❖ BufferedOutputStream
❖ BufferedInputStream

Java Networking

❖ Networking Concepts
❖ Socket Programming
❖ URL class
❖ URLConnection class
❖ HttpURLConnection
❖ InetAddress class
❖ DatagramSocket class

Java Swing

❖ Swing Introduction
❖ Java Swing & Events
❖ Swing UI Elements
❖ Event Handling
❖ Java ActionListener
❖ Java MouseListener
❖ Java ItemListener
❖ Close Swing Window

Java AWT

❖ Java AWT & Events
❖ AWT UI Elements
❖ Event Handling
❖ Java ActionListener
❖ Java MouseListener
❖ Java ItemListener
❖ Close AWT Window

Java Collections

❖ The Collections Framework
❖ The Set Interface
❖ Set Interface Methods
❖ Set Implementation Classes
❖ The List Interface
❖ List Implementation Classes
❖ The Map Interfaces
❖ Map Implementation Classes
❖ Utility classes
❖ Generics in Java
❖ Primitive wrapper classes


❖ JDBC Introduction
❖ JDBC Driver
❖ DB Connectivity Steps
❖ Connectivity with MySQL
❖ DriverManager
❖ Connection
❖ Statement
❖ ResultSet
❖ PreparedStatement


HTML, CSS & JavaScript Overview

❖ HTML Basics
❖ HTML Elements
❖ CSS Introduction
❖ CSS Syntax & Selectors
❖ JavaScript Overview
❖ Bootstrap Overview

Java Collections

❖ The Collections Framework
❖ The Set Interface
❖ Set Interface Methods
❖ Set Implementation Classes
❖ The List Interface
❖ List Implementation Classes
❖ The Map Interfaces
❖ Map Implementation Classes
❖ Utility classes
❖ Generics in Java
❖ Primitive wrapper classes

Java MVC Architecture

❖ Three-tier architecture
❖ Introduction to MVC
❖ MVC Architecture
❖ Advantages of MVC
❖ Building pages with MVC


❖ What is a web application?
❖ What is a Servlet?
❖ Advantages of Servlet
❖ Servlet Class
❖ Servlet Lifecycle
❖ Servlet Context Interface
❖ Advantages of Servlet Context
❖ Session management
❖ Session Tracking Techniques
    o Cookies
    o Hidden field
    o URL Rewriting
    o HTTP Session
❖ Building the first Servlet
❖ Deploying the Servlet
❖ Servlet Examples


❖ Introduction of JSP
❖ JSP Architecture
❖ JSP Processing
❖ JSP Tag library
❖ Core Tags
❖ JSP Standard Tags
❖ JSP Page Life Cycle
❖ Creating the first Dynamic web page using JSP


❖ Introduction to Hibernate
❖ Hibernate v/s JDBC
❖ What is Object Relational Mapping
❖ Hibernate Features
❖ Application Architecture
❖ Persistent Classes

❖ Object States
    o Transient State
    o Persistent State
    o Detached State
❖ Rules of Persistent Classes
❖ Mapping Collections
❖ Hibernate Mapping File Elements
    o One-to-one
    o One-to-many mapping
    o Many - one mapping
    o Many - to - many mapping
❖ Hibernate Query Language
    o Basic HQL Operations
    o Advantages of HQL
❖ Caching and Transactions
    o Types Of Cache
    o Hibernate Transaction Management
    o Transaction Interface In Hibernate
❖ Hibernate with Web Applications


❖ Introduction of Spring Framework
    o Characteristics Of Spring
    o Spring Framework Architecture
    o Spring Framework Modules
    o Spring Platform Advantage
❖ Spring bean Wiring
    o Dependency Injection
    o IoC Containers
    o Spring Bean Lifecycle
    o Beans Auto Wiring
    o Autowiring Limitations
❖ Spring with database
    o Introduction to JDBC
    o Limitations of JDBC API
    o Spring JDBC Approaches
    o JdbcTemplate Class
    o JdbcTemplate Class Methods
    o Data Access Object (DAO)


❖ Introduction to Struts
    o What is a Web Framework
    o Limitations of JSP/Servlet Coding
    o MVC1 v/s MVC2
    o What is Struts
    o Invasive v/s Non invasive Frameworks
    o Modules in Struts 2
    o Request Processing Lifecycle
    o Struts1 v/s Struts2
    o Advantages of Struts2
❖ Struts2 MVC Architecture
    o Actions Commponent
    o Results & Result Types
    o The Value Stack
❖ Action Classes     o Introduction to Action Class
    o Characteristics Of Action Class
    o ActionSupport Class
    o Action Interface
❖ Handling Application Requests
    o Handling Form Data
    o Struts2 Form
    o JavaBean Classv     o Success Page
    o Configuring Struts2
❖ Deployment Descriptors
    o The web.xml file
    o The struts.xml file
    o The struts-config.xml file
    o The struts. Properties file


❖ Introduction to RDBMS
❖ Features of RDBMS
❖ Introduction to SQL
❖ Basic Terminologies
❖ PLSQL Data Types
❖ Primary Key v/s Foreign Key
❖ The Unique Constraint
❖ DDL Statements
❖ DML Statements
❖ Retrieving Records
❖ Normalization
❖ Functions in SQL
❖ Handling Null Values
❖ SQL Joins
    o Inner joins
    o Outer Joins
    o Right Joins