Best Android Training in PUNE & Best Android Training Institute in MAHARASHTRA

RAHITECH is the biggest Android training center in PUNE with high tech infrastructure and lab facilities and the options of opting for multiple courses at PUNE Location.RAHITECH in PUNE prepares thousands of aspirants for Android at reasonable fees that is customized keeping in mind training and course content requirement of each attendee. Android training course involves "Learning by Doing" using state-of-the-art infrastructure for performing hands-on exercises and real-world simulations.This extensive hands-on experience in Android training ensures that you absorb the knowledge and skills that you will need to apply at work after your placement in an MNC.


❖ The main thing is that developing of different mobile applications that will run on a mobile platform, is primarily called mobile apps development.
❖ The mobile application allows customers to have all information at their fingertips.
❖ That's why a mobile app is so much important in today's market.

Android App Development Syllabus

Android Overview and History

❖ How it all got started
❖ Why Android is different (and important) Android Stack
❖ Overview of the stack
❖ Linux kernel
❖ Native libraries
❖ Dalvik VM
❖ Application framework
❖ Activities
❖ Services
❖ Broadcast Receivers
❖ Content Provider

SDK Overview


Hello World App

❖ Creating your first project
❖The manifest file
❖Layout resource
❖ Running your app on Emulator


❖ Toast, Custom Toast
❖ Dialogs
❖ Status bar Notifications

Building UI with Activities

❖ Activities
❖ Views, layouts and Common UI components
❖ Creating UI through code and XML
❖ Activity lifecycle
❖ Intents
❖ Communicating data among Activities


❖ Using Java Mutithreading classes
❖ AsyncTask
❖ Handler
❖ Post
❖ Writing an animated game

Advanced UI

❖ GridView, ListView, Spinner
❖ Adapters, Custom Adapters
❖ Complex UI components
❖ Building UI for performance
❖ Menus
❖ Creating custom and compound Views

Styles And Themes

❖ Creating and Applying simple Style
❖ Inheriting built-in Style and User defined style
❖ Using Styles as themes

Resources and Assets

❖ Android Resource
❖ Using resources in XML and code
❖ Localization
❖ Handling Runtime configuration changes


❖ Introduction to Fragments
❖ How to use fragments through code and xml
❖ Fragment life cycle
❖ Creating fragments with and without UI
❖ Inter fragment data communication
❖ Using built in fragment

Intent, Intent Filters and Broadcast Receivers

❖ Role of filters
❖ Intent-matching rules
❖ Filters in your manifest
❖ Filters in dynamic Broadcast Receivers
❖ Creating Broadcast receiver
❖ Receiving System Broadcast
❖ Understanding Broadcast action, category and data
❖ Registering Broadcast receiver through code and through XML
❖ Sending Broadcast

Data Storage

❖ Shared Preferences
❖ Android File System
❖ Internal storage
❖ External storage
❖ SQLite
    o IntroducingSQLite
    o SQLiteOpenHelper and creating a database
    o Opening and closing adatabase
    o Working with cursors Inserts, updates, and deletes

Content Providers

❖ Accessing built in content providers
❖ Content provider MIME types
❖ Searching for content
❖ Adding, changing, and removing content
❖ Creating content provider
❖ Working with content files


❖ Overview of services in Android
❖ Implementing a Service
❖ Service lifecycle
❖ Inter Process Communication (AIDL Services)

Multimedia in Android

❖ Multimedia Supported audio formats
❖ Simple media playback
❖ Supported video formats
❖ Simple video playback

Location Based Services and Google Maps

❖ Using Location Based Services
❖ Finding current location and listening for changes in location
❖ Proximity alerts
❖ Working with Google Maps
    o Showing google map in an Activity
     Using Map Fragment and MapView
     Customizing maps
    o Working with map marker
    o Custom Markers and Info Windows
     Drawing on the map
    o Interacting with the map
    o Geocoder

Web Services and WebView

❖ Understanding HTTP request response model
❖ Consuming web services
❖ Receiving HTTP Response(XML, JSON )
❖ Parsing JSON and XML
❖ Using WebView

Telephony Services

❖ Making calls
❖ Monitoring data connectivity and activity
❖ Accessing phone properties and status
❖ Controlling the phone
❖ Sending messages


❖ Taking pictures
❖ Media Recorder
❖ Rendering previews


❖ Controlling local Bluetooth device
❖ Discovering and bonding with Bluetooth devices
❖ Managing Bluetooth connections
❖ Communicating with Bluetooth


❖ How Sensors work
❖ Using Orientation and Accelerometer sensors
❖ Best practices for performance


❖ Introduction to Firebase
❖ Authentication Using Firebase
❖ Firebase Modules Introduction
❖ Operation on Firebase
❖ Firebase Notification

Third Party Libraries

❖ Volley
❖ Picaso
❖ Univeral Loader
❖ Third Party Design Libraries


❖ Monitoring and managing Internet connectivity
❖ Managing active connections
❖ Managing WiFi networks

Google Ad mob

❖ Google Ad mob Introduction
❖ Ad Types
❖ Ad Integration

Android Application Deployment

❖ Android Application Deployment on device with Linux and Windows
❖ Android Application Deployment on Android Market